Example Account Selling |
With the announcement of the RvR Packs and 1.4 coming to a near paramount, I think we are about to see a sharp rise in the amount of subscriptions that Warhammer has open. Obviously this can be surmised from what we have seen recently. The PTS server being full (no, I didn't get on) being one example the other night. There has also been a pretty good reception of the price points of the soon to be released RvR Pack, and the
Verminous Horde. One other thing that has led me to believe that Warhammer is again on the rise, is the prices now that accounts are being sold for. Yeah yeah I know it's illegal to sell / buy accounts, but the fact of the matter remains that it's being done and will continue to be until something is done by Mythic to prevent it.
Recently on various account buying and selling sites, prices for Warhammer Online accounts has sky rocketed. Over the past year or so, the median price point for a renown rank 70 character has been $150. Yes, they could have definitely been found for less. However over the past few weeks, these sites have boasted accounts of renown rank 80's for upwards of $1,000! Pretty crazy right? After all Warhammer is not WoW, where accounts have been sold for well over $10,000. In my mind in no way does a rank 80 account, let alone any account, justify the price of $1,000. If you take a closer look at the picture to the right, you will see a total of five accounts for sale, for well over the price of $300. A price which I feel is more realistic for a rank 80 character.
No I don't expect most people to believe that $300 is a fair price, but to be quite honest, it is. In the past I have done plenty of account buying and selling, and can promise you that NO ACCOUNT is worth more than this. No matter the gear, rank, characters, etc... If your plan is to just sell an account, never put more than a single character on it. So what is prompting people now then to ask such absurdly high prices for their accounts now? Is it what is on the horizon for Warhammer? I'd like to think so. One thing you can always break it down to is supply and demand.
Form w/ Account Selling |
Accounts have been selling like hot cakes over the past few weeks. An account is posted on a site, and usually within 48 hours it is sold. This was rarely the case over the last year, as near all Warhammer accounts went unsold. You couldn't give a Warhammer account away until recently. Now it would seem you would be hard pressed to find a reasonably priced account for Warhammer. I hate to say it (and do not condone it any longer) but now would be a great time to sell your account, if you're looking for a quick cash grab.
Another reason I believe accounts have been selling more recently, is that it can most definitely be done now with a sense of anonymity. The recent addition of $20 server transfers has enabled this. Someone can go buy an account, transfer servers, and no one would be the wiser now. There are some that say $20 for a single character transfer is nuts, and I agree. But for someone who just spend XXX number of dollars for an account, $20 is more than reasonable for a sense of security from other players.
So be ready to see a bunch of new high ranking players on your server who you don't recognize, because they are coming. People want to play Warhammer now, and it has been showing in the amount of account buying and selling that has been taking place. While I don't condone, it selling your account gets you an easy way to several hundred dollars if not more. If you could make upwards of $1,000 for your account, would you sell?