Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mythic Certainly Gives Us Material

Well if there is one thing that is true of EA / Mythic, it's that they certainly give us plenty of material to write and talk about.  As I'm sure everyone has seen, the new "Account Entitlements" have gone public.  All of which don't leave people with the feeling of entitlement at all.  These "Micro-Transactions" as they had been deemed could not be further off base. 

Here are some examples of player frustrations:
Mythics pricing scheme, in my opinion, is completely off base.  $20 for a SINGLE character to move?  Yes I know WoW has a similar pricing plan, but guess what, this game is by no means WoW.  $10 for a SINGLE level?  Really?  I could go buy a Renown Rank 80 character should I choose to, with minimal effort, for $60. 

Who is in charge over there at EA/Mythic, and with Warhammer?  Are they really out of touch with their own game?  It is very disturbing to me, and a lot of other players.  While these entitlements could have been one of the best things seen for Warhammer in quite some time, the complete opposite reaction of what I'm sure they had been expecting has happened.  


  1. Pricing seems to be out of the ball park.

  2. Well, honestly, while the pricing is a bit high, there is no way you could ever go out and buy a renown rank 80 character for $60.
