I have been noticing the past few weeks though what appears to be a steep decline in the overall population on Iron Rock, and it's making me nervous. My guilds onliners has recently seemed to plummet. People seem to be checking out other games as we await the release of the new RvR dungeon and 1.4. I can't say that I blame them. There are some really nice looking and fun games out there right now. Not to mention, if you already have a couple rank 80's, Warhammer can get stale fast.
My question is, will these players come back? The answer with most will more than likely be yes, but I do fear that the games overall population will struggle a bit further. Is it to late for the game? Doubtful. The next few months seem very promising for Warhammer, and I am more than exciting to try it all out. Past that though, what do we have? At some point people will again cap out at rank 100. What will entice them this time that we don't currently have? Personally I think think the time to rank (TTR) from 80 to 100 should be crazy hard. Something that an average player probably will never attain. If TTR was actually difficult, people may not be getting so bored so quickly. The right balance of Renown vs. Time has to be achieved, and I don't think it is something we currently have.
Some suggestions might be as follows:
- Removal of damage / healing renown (only based on player kills)
- Removal of renown for BO's and Keeps
- Slightly increased renown for successful city siege
- Removal of renown for zone flips
- Slightly bit of renown for a lock in a zone pairing
- No more renown bonus items